American Whiskey is a Beverage Testing Institute classification for specialty whiskies bottled in the United States that do not neatly fit other categories.
Some spirits producers in the U.S. have started crafting blends of different types or categories of whiskies together to create a unique flavor profile. Examples include products made from Single Malt Scotch Whisky blended with a high-rye Bourbon, or a 50/50 blend of straight bourbon and straight rye. Under federal TTB regulations these whiskies would fall into the 'Blended Whiskey' or 'A Blend of Straight Whiskies' categories. BTI gives these products the American Whisky category designation to better capture their producers' experimental intents to delineate them from the younger, lower-priced blended whiskies that often include neutral grain spirits and/or added coloring or flavoring.