The category of smoked beer represents a diverse range of ale styles. Smoked beers range from 5-9.5% in alcohol with further variations depending on the interpretation of the style. These beers are characterized by assertive smoky flavors and aromas resulting from a portion of the malted barley kilned over open fire. Smoke flavors and aromas may be heavily influenced by the total portion of malt kilned using this method in addition to the specific type of wood utilized. Woods such as Beechwood, Cedar and Cherry are commonly used and impart very specific flavors to the final beer. Great examples of beers in this category strike a harmonious balance between both the base beer style and the departed flavors and aromas of the smoked malt. Noteworthy examples of this style include: Rogue Smoke Ale, Caldera Rauch Ür Bock, and Stone Smoked Porter.